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Ladies, wouldn’t it be nice to have less need for makeup?

Posted on June 26, 2017

Ladies, wouldn’t it be nice to have less need for makeup?
When you look at your skin, do you see brown spots on your face or the backs of the hands? Or do you notice red patches on your face? Wouldn’t it be nice to say goodbye to these spots?

At The Woodruff Institute for Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery, Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatments are available to treat brown and red spots caused by sun damage or rosacea. Rosacea is chronic inflammation which causes persistent redness and broken blood vessels on the face. Red patches from rosacea is a chronic condition, but IPL can improve the appearance of rosacea. IPL treatments are also effective for treating brown spots caused by chronic sun exposure.

What to expect during IPL treatment

Topical numbing cream is applied for approximately 15 minutes before treatment for the most comfortable experience. When undergoing IPL treatment, you will experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation. Before vascular treatments, a gel is commonly applied to cool the skin. Immediately following the treatment, brown spots will typically start to darken and the skin may appear mildly red and slightly swollen. This may last hours to days. You may use mineral make-up to conceal the redness/ darkness.

Do not forget to practice sun protection with the appropriate sunscreen and sun-protective clothing to minimize the formation of new brown and red spots from sun damage. Should you develop new brown or red spots after sun exposure, repeat IPL the treatments can be performed.

Call today to schedule your cosmetic consultation with our providers to find out if IPL or our other laser procedures might be the right for you!

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